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Super Value Bundle – “The Dark Side of the Light Chasers” (Debbie Ford)

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Brand: Super Value Bundle


This Super Value Bundle gives you the best-selling title, ‘The Dark Side of the Light Chasers’ as both the original book AND as an 8 CD set read by the author herself (to the best of our knowledge at this time, this title is no longer available as a physical CD set from Hay House – so this CD set is a collector’s item!). CD also features live meditations with music and guides you through practical exercises as though you were in a workshop.

This bundle is an invaluable gift for either someone who wants to explore the concept of Carl Jung’s Shadow Work (you can read a little about what that is on our blog here) and also gives you a practical tool that allows you to start in on this work to help you embrace all parts of yourself in order to start feeling more ‘whole’. It is called ‘The Dark Side of the Light Chasers’ as many in New Age and Self-Help circles only teach us to look at what we judge as our ‘good’ side, and yet this work by Debbie Ford teaches us to accept ourselves as what we really are – the whole combination of both ‘light’ and ‘shadow’, ‘good’ and ‘bad’, and everything in between.

We highly recommend this set and PROMISE you will want to listen and read it over and over – since every time you do, you will learn to embrace yet another part of you that society has taught you to ignore, be ashamed of, or simply hide.

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